Spinach Pesto Recipe: Green Goodness in Every Bite!

Noah Baker

Course: Sauce  Cuisine: Italian Prep Time: 10 minutes  Cook Time: 0 minutes  Total Time: 10 minutes  Calories: 195kcal

Let’s get started!

Recipe Details

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– 3 cups Fresh spinach packed – ¼ cup Fresh basil packed – 2 cloves Garlic – ½ cup Pine nuts or swap with walnuts, almonds, or pistachios – ¼ cup Shredded Parmesan cheese – ½ cup Extra virgin Olive oil – 1 tbsp Lemon juice – ½ tsp Kosher salt – ½ tsp Black pepper


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1. Put everything in a blender or food processor. 2. Blend until it looks like a thick paste. 3. If you want it thinner, add more olive oil a little at a time.


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4. Taste it and add salt and pepper if you want. 5. That’s all! In 5 minutes, you’ve made yummy spinach basil pesto! 6. Keep it in a closed container in the fridge for up to a week.

Noah Baker

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