The Freshman Cook: Cookie Journey ~ Day 4

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Today is the last day of our mini cookie journey. Today I decorated cookies while they were still wet. I have done this in the past, but I used a little different technique in the past.

This is really simple to do. The hardest thing to do is to get the 

dots all the same size. In the past when I made these, I used 

a stylus to make the dots. This time I put the icing in 

decorating bags. I think the stylus lets you have much more control,

and I plan to go back to doing it that way.

Here is how I did this.

I outlined and filled in the cookie, just like we did 

in the last couple posts.

I had my bag of yellow icing ready to go. The icing will

dry quickly, so all your colors must be prepared before 

you start. Then, I dropped dots of yellow onto the 

cookie in random spots. The problem is that the 

yellow came out fast. When I used the stylus, I could 

go a little slower. Let them dry overnight.

These would be pretty for spring, or for cookies where you need 

a pop of color to match decor.

Thanks for joining me today.

The Random Acts of Kindness Giveaway Blog Hop is ending shortly. I will let you know the winner within 24 hours!!

Good Luck, and Thank You so much to everyone that entered!!

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