The Freshman Cook: Valentine's Cherry Pie for 2!

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  My husbands favorite pie is cherry. He absolutely loves it. So whenever I want to make him something special, I make cherry pie! During the summer months when fresh cherries are plentiful, I love using them in everything. However during the winter months, he loves the canned cherries. So that is what I use.

Down Home Cherry Pie

Pie Dough for Lattice-Top Pie (adapted from: The New Best Recipe)

3 cups Flour

1 teaspoon Salt

2 tablespoons Sugar

7 tablespoons chilled Shortening, cut into 1/4″ pieces

10 tablespoons cold, unsalted Butter

10 tablespoons Ice Water

Add flour, salt, and sugar in to 

your food processor.

Add shortening and process until the 

mix has the texture of coarse sand.

Add butter pieces and cut in until it resembles 

coarse crumbs. Butter pieces should be 

no larger than peas. 

 Empty dough into a bowl.

Sprinkle the dough with 5 tablespoons of ice water.

Mix the water into the dough with a spatula. 

We are looking for the dough to come together.

Add more ice water, a tablespoon at a time until you get it

to come together. 

 Divide the dough into two pieces and flatten into disks.

Wrap in plastic and refrigerate for at least one hour,

or up to two days.

When the dough is chilled, you will need sugar and cherries.

Preheat your oven to 350 degrees.

After the dough has been chilled, flour a surface. 

I use large sheets of parchment paper or my cutting board.

Roll one of the dough packs out to 1/4 ” circle.

Place the dough on to the top of the skillet.

Fit the dough into the skillet, and using your knife,

trim around the top of the pan.

Fill with cherries.

Set aside.

Make a floured surface.

Roll out your second piece of dough to 1/4″ thick.

Cut a straight line with a pizza cutter.

Mark a line 1/2″ in from the edge. This means that 

your lattice top strips will be 1/2″ wide.

Cut along the 1/2″ mark with the pizza cutter.

Continue to make strips.

You should end up with strips that look like this.

Cut these in half.

Start fitting the strips over the cherries.

Press the ends of the strips into the dough of the shell.

Cove the pie like this.

Weave other pieces, going the opposite way,

until your pie looks like this.

Remember to gently press the edges of each

strip into the bottom dough.

Sprinkle the top of the lattice work with sugar.

Bake pie for about 50 minutes.

Remove and cool on rack.

Serve warm,  ala mode with vanilla bean ice cream.

Happy Valentine’s Day for 2!!

I am getting behind with my 14 Days of Valentine’s posts, but I will try to be caught up by Wednesday evening.(cross my fingers).!!

See you tomorrow!

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