The Freshman Cook: Breakfast Pizza!

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This month the two ingredients for the Improv Cooking Challenge are bacon and eggs! I love these two ingredients, don’t you?  I had a hard time deciding what I should make.  Should I go with breakfast, dessert, or an entree maybe? I finally decided on this breakfast pizza, and I am so glad I did! It was different and it was delicious. I think you will agree!

Breakfast Pizza

Shredded Potatoes

Chopped Onions

Chopped Red, Orange, and Yellow Peppers

Slice of Fresh Tomato, chopped

1 Egg

Pizza Sauce

Flour Tortillas

2 pieces of Bacon per Pizza

Fiesta Blend Cheese

Chopped Avocado

Sour Cream

Start your potatoes cooking on your stove top. 

Chop up your peppers, tomato, and onion.

Add the onions to the pan with the potatoes.

Saute your peppers in your frying pan.

Scramble your egg.

Place your tortilla in a frying pan, and spoon some sauce

 over the tortilla. Heat on medium.

Spread some potato and onion mix on top of the sauce.

Sprinkle some cheese over the potatoes.

Add your cooked egg by spreading it over your pizza.

Add your peppers.

Chop or tear your bacon into pieces, 

and spread the pieces evenly over your pizza.

Add some more cheese over the top.

Check bottom of your tortilla. 

It should be slightly brown and firm.

The cheese should also be melting by this time.

Take the pizza off the heat and add your chopped 

avocado pieces, and a dollop of sour cream.

Thanks for joining me today!

I apologize for being so absent lately.

We are almost settled in our new city, 

so I hope you will look forward to some new excitement at

The Freshman Cook soon!

Check out what everyone else made today!

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