The Freshman Cook: Celebrate It! Blog Party #9

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It’s time for Celebrate It!

Join our blog party and show us what you have been up to lately.

Have you made any fall dishes? Celebrate your culinary skills by sharing them with us!

How about that new craft you created for your mantle? We would love to see it!

At Celebrate It! Blog Party we are celebrating everyday life.

The things we do everyday to show our love, our creativity, our passions, our talents.

Share a photo you took of a special place or loved one.

Show us your fall decorating, your front door wreath, your leaf raking party!

We want to Celebrate It! with you!!

So, linkup as many links as you would like.

We can’t wait to see them!

Thank you to everyone who visited our blog party last week!

Here are my two featured link ups:

What a motivating quote shared by Marti who blogs

    at Magna Artistic Photos! She has others

that are super motivating, too.

Love these, Marti!

Doesn’t this

Overnight Crock Pot Oatmeal look amazing?

Jenn from Jenn’s Random Scraps

shared this morning meal and says

it may be the reason she has been so organized

on these first couple mornings of school!

Thanks for a great recipe, Jenn!

 Now, let’s get this party started!

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