The Freshman Cook: Day 22!

Christmas is just right around the corner and normally the last thing that everyone is shopping for are those small gifts and stocking stuffers. All those little things you kept saying to yourself that you’d pick up later….. Well ‘later’ is NOW! Here is a great list of OVER 100 small and inexpensive gift ideas! I don’t know about you, but I hate filling stockings and buying small ‘filler’ presents only to be throwing away those things within weeks, because they were junk! This year I’ve decided that instead of wasting money, I’m buying things that are either needed, useful or consumable!
Another great idea for coworkers, friends or family is to group some of these items together for a “theme basket”. I tried to group the items together as best I could! Here are a few suggestions… Baking, coffee, makeup, nails, art, golf, spa, electronics, car care, etc. Also, considering that most of these items are $5.00 or less this would be a wonderful way to bless a family in need! We will be filling a stocking to send to our World Vision child, but you could also drop off with a charity, a church or a specific family that you know! What a wonderful blessing to someone you could be! And what a lesson it would be for your children!

For more about this post, go to  yourmamasaidwhat!

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