The Freshman Cook: Grilled Fruit Sundae!

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If you are grilling this weekend, add this quick and simple dessert to your menu. I grilled strawberries and banana, but you could use any fruit you like, such as peaches, plums, oranges, pineapple, or even watermelon. The heat from the grill really brings out the sugar in the fruit. So good!

Grilled Fruit Sundae 

(adapted from Ellie Krieger)

Cooking Spray

1 Banana

2 Strawberries

2 cups Vanilla Ice Cream

Strawberry Sauce

Spray your grill with cooking spray.

Cut the tops off of your strawberries, and slice in half lengthwise.

Slice banana in half lengthwise.

Place on grill. 

Turn when they begin to get brown. It only takes

a few minutes.

A week or so ago, I made this 

Strawberry Coulis. Now I will use it for this dessert.

Scoop the ice cream into your dish, and top with

strawberry sauce.

Place strawberry and banana pieces in your sundae.

Super simple~Super delicious!

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