The Freshman Cook: Red, White and Blue Malted Waffles

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Today is Day 12 of our “15 Days of  Red, White and Blue” series, and it is also Club Baked day! This worked out really well because the Club Baked recipe for Malted Waffles worked out perfectly when retrofitted for the 4th of July! Here’s to a festive and delicious breakfast!

Malted Waffles

2 cups Flour

1 cup Malt Powder

2 tablespoon firmly packed Light Brown Sugar

1 teaspoon Baking Soda

1 1/2 teaspoon Baking Powder

1/2 teaspoon Salt

2 eggs, at room temperature

2 1/2 cups Buttermilk

6 tablespoons Butter, melted and cooled to room temperature

Syrup, Butter, Chocolate Chips

In a large bowl whisk together flour, malt powder, sugar,

baking soda, baking powder and salt.

 In a separate bowl, whisk the eggs slightly, …..

add the buttermilk and butter and mix again.

Make a well in the middle of the dry mixture, 

and pour the buttermilk  mixture into it.

Fold the wet ingredients into the dry ingredients

gently, just until combined. There will be lumps.

Cook the waffles according to your waffle iron instructions.

Serve immediately with maple syrup, butter and chocolate chips.


Whipped Cream, a plump, beautiful strawberry,

some fresh blueberries, and some sprinkles.

Anyway you top it, it’s going to be good!

Do you know about Club Baked ?

It’s a wonderfully fun club! Twice a month we bake

a recipe from the book, Baked Explorations, written by

Matt Lewis and Renato Poliafito. 

Club Baked is fun, no pressure, and we

baked delicious food. Come join us! Want to see the Malted Waffles all the other club baked

members made? Go here!

Happy 4th of July!

Thanks for joining me today for our

“15 Days of Red, White and Blue”!!

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