The Freshman Cook: Mozzarella Stuffed Meatballs w/ a Quick and Easy Sauce

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 Do you love meatballs? How about Mozzarella Stuffed Meatballs!? Ya know, I don’t think I have ever heard anyone say no to that question!  Whether you are 1 or 100, everyone seems to love meatballs. Add this quick and easy sauce, and they will love you too!
Mozzarella Stuffed Meatballs w/a Quick and Easy Sauce

28 ounce can Peeled and Crushed Tomatoes

2 teaspoon Garlic Powder

2 1/2 teaspoon Italian Seasoning

1/2 Onion, chopped

1 pound ground chuck

1 Egg


1/4 cup Autry Southern Baked Chicken Coating Mix

block of Mozzarella (you will only use 1/4 of it)

Barilla Whole Grain Penne Pasta

 1 tablespoon Butter, softened

1/2 teaspoon Garlic Powder

1 piece Bread

Place the tomatoes in a sauce pan.

Add your garlic powder, Italian Seasoning, and 1/2 of the chopped onions.

Cook on medium for 10 minutes, then turn down to low

until you are ready to add the meatballs.

Place your ground chuck or beef in a mixing bowl.

Add the rest of your chopped onion, your egg, 

dash of pepper, and the breading mix. I use this breading mix

 because I love the flavor, but you can also use bread crumbs.

Mix it all up with your hands (it’s just easier), and form

into small meatballs.

Cut the mozarella into small pieces.

Hold your meatball in one hand, place the cheese on it,

 and cover the cheese with the meatball. 

You are reforming the meatball, but I find that skipping the

step where you roll the meatballs first, makes them

irregular in size, and I prefer them to be consistent as possible.

Start cooking the meatballs in a frying pan. 

At the same time, start your water boiling for your pasta.

As the meatballs brown, turn them over and on their sides

to brown them evenly. I often prop them up next to one another

to help with getting the edges brown.

After they are browned, add them to your sauce 

so they can cook all the way through.

As your meatballs are browning, cook your pasta

according to the directions on the package. It

usually takes about 9-10 minutes.

I wanted a piece of garlic bread, but not a whole loaf, 

so I mixed 1 tablespoon of soft butter with a 1/2 teaspoon garlic powder,

and spread it on a toasted wheat bread slice. It was just the right amount.

There is your quick and easy sauce with mozzarella

stuffed meatballs, oh wait…..

Don’t forget your garlic bread!


Thank so much for dropping by today!

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