The Freshman Cook: Memorial Day BBQ Ideas

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About the time you are reading this, you are either very calmly getting together your Memorial Day menu ideas and recipes, or you are beginning to quickly panic, as you realize Memorial Day is less than a week away! Which is why I put together this cookout round up. This round up features recipes linked up this past week, at the Celebrate It! Blog Link Party!, that can help you with your holiday plans. There are side dishes, desserts, chicken, burgers, and even veggie burgers, plus some Backyard BBQ Decor Ideas!  So, take a look, don’t worry, and have fun! Click on the recipe below:

Roasted Garlic Ranch Chicken Burgers

Old Fashioned Baked Beans

8 Pasta-Tively Delicious Salads

Lemon Raspberry Themed Desserts

How To Make Coleslaw


Black Bean Quinoa Veggie Burgers

Backyard BBQ Decor Ideas

Patriotic Pound Cake

Shredded Chicken Recipe

Thanks so much for stopping by! I hope you have some new ideas that will work for your Memorial Day celebrations! You might also like these recipes: “I Love the USA” Popsicles

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