The Freshman Cook: Celebrate It! Blog Party #23

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Merry Christmas! and Welcome to Celebrate it! 

I hope you all had a wonderful, joyful Christmas holiday,

and that you got to spend time with those that you love!

The Freshman Cook family had a quiet and relaxing holiday,

with lots of story telling, laughs and good food!
It was such fun and we enjoyed a beautiful day!

I hope you did too!

I hope you will link up some of your special meals, or

some special crafts you have been working on.

We would love to see them and celebrate  with you!

Are you planning anything special for your New Years Eve celebration?

Are you are cooking something for just a few or for a party?

Show us~We want to celebrate with you!!

Are you crafting something to celebrate the new year?

Share it~ We want to celebrate too!

Are you making plans for 2015?

Tell us~We want to Celebrate It!

Here are some features from last week:

Bracelet Makeovers from

Artistic Endeavors

Peanut Butter Chocolate Truffles from

The Gracious Wife

Christmas Dingbat Fonts from

Designs by Miss Mandee

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for linking up.  I love to see what you are creating, baking, cooking, writing and taking pictures of. You make my day!! By linking up, you are giving The Freshman Cook permission to feature your post on social media and our blog using a photo, title, and link to your site. Proper credit and links will be given to you.

Look for your link ups on my Pinterest  page for Celebrate It!, on Twitter, and on Facebook.

It’s Time To Party!

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