The Freshman Cook: Celebrate It! Blog Party!

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Thanks so much for stopping by today! I am so glad you are here!
I hope you have been happily creating!
Have you been snapping photo’s, cooking up a storm,
 baking away the day, crafting to your hearts content,
 celebrating a birthday or anniversary?
 Share what you are creating, so we can celebrate with you!

Here are the three most clicked links from last week:

These “Eyeball Donuts” are fun and scary!

Eyeball Donuts 

The Joys of Boys 

Oh yum, so many tomatoes, so little time!

Too Many Tomatoes


Granny Fabulosa Hot or cold, this sounds wonderful!

Cheesy Ham and Onion Pie


Thanks so much for linking up and joining in the party fun!

The fact that you stopped by and linked up means the world to me. I appreciate the fact that you took the time, and I love seeing how creative everyone is! 
You inspire me!
 So thank you! 

By linking up, you are giving The Freshman Cook 

permission to feature your post on social media or on our blog using a photo,

 title and link to your site.  Proper credit and links will be given to you!  You may be sent an email reminder about this party.


Look for your link ups on the  Pinterest  page for Celebrate It! 
 and on Twitter and Facebook!

Let’s Party!

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