The Freshman Cook: Southern Banana Cream Pie

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As we cleaned out our refrigerator this week, my husband made a dessert that is a deliciously, welcome take on a southern classic. Everyone is very familiar with the ingredients, I’m sure. Take a look, then have a taste. Delicious!

Southern Banana Cream Pie

3 ripe Bananas

Nilla Wafers

Vanilla Instant Pudding

3 cups Milk

1 cup Whipping Cream

2 tablespoon Sugar

Put your mixing bowl in the freezer, so we will have a chilled

bowl to prepare the whipping cream in. Let it get

nice and cold, about 30 minutes worth!

While the bowl is chilling, layer a pie plate with nilla

wafers, along the side and on the bottom. Slice bananas

over the nilla wafers on the bottom. Make the

vanilla pudding. Once it has set up, layer the pudding 

on top of the bananas. Then slice more bananas and place 

them on top of the pudding. 

Make the whipped cream below, and top 

the entire pie with whipped cream.

Pour the whipping cream in to the cold mixer bowl.

Add sugar and mix until stiff peaks appear.

Here it is!

It is creamy and delicious, and the nilla wafers become so soft!



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