The Freshman Cook: Happy 4th of July!

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Happy 4th of July to everyone!

 To finish off my “15 Days of Red, White and Blue” series I have one last holiday treat for you.

Red, White and Blue Popcorn! 

2 Bags of plain Popcorn

3/4 cup Sugar

1/6 cup Water

1 tablespoon Butter

Americolor Holiday Red

Americolor Royal Blue

Americolor White

Pop your popcorn.

I only had microwave popcorn and it worked fine.

Divide equally among 3 plastic bags.


Put your sugar, water, and butter in a saucepan

and bring to a boil.

Once it has boiled, divide the liquid among 

3 bowls.

Color the liquid in each bowl.

I just happened to have a white color, put if you don’t

leaving it plain liquid will work just fine.
Add the colored liquid into the bags, one at a time.
If you have gloves, use them. You can also wrap
your hands with plastic wrap.
Using your hands move the popcorn around in the bag
coating the popcorn. You may be able to coat the 
popcorn by tossing it in the bag.
Do this to all three colors.
Lay out each color of popcorn on 
parchment paper to dry.
Separate the popcorn pieces from one another
so they do not clump together.
It will take about an hour for the popcorn to dry.
Mix all the popcorn together.
You can mix in M and M’s, pretzels, nuts,
marshmallows, anything you want!

Thank you for joining me for my 
“15 Days of Red, White and Blue”!

Have a Happy 4th of July!
Stay Safe!

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